Polling Station Parking
We are open as usual on voting day, however Ashdown House (the building where Westlands Nursery is situated off Johnson Road) will have a mobile polling station on the top car park and they also have to keep additional parking spaces free for voters.
The mobile is likely to arrive at some point tomorrow, and parking will be restricted.
To ease congestion, we would advise parents/carers to walk for drop-off and collection if at all possible, or park further away and walk from there.
At this time could we please also remind parents/carers that the zig-zags outside of the school are a no parking zone, and ask that you respect our neighbours by not parking across their driveways or double parking. Please also be reminded that the Ashdown House car park is staff only, and should not be used for drop-off and collection parking.
Thank you for your assistance in keeping our children safe during these busy times of day.