Year 5 Visit from Kent Police

Year 5 had a visit from Kent Police at the end of term;  they came in to talk to us about our conduct online.


Online safety is of the utmost importance to all of us here at Westlands Primary and we feel very lucky to have had a Police Officer come and talk to us about it. We have already spoken about digital consent and online safety in our PSHE lessons, but we were reminded that we need to respect others' views and ideas; that our information is private and that as Police Officers it is their duty to act if someone is in danger or at risk.


The internet is an amazing tool, and we use it often in everyday life. Society relies on the internet every day, and so we want our Year 5s to feel as though they can navigate such a tool safely, suitably and with the greatest respect.


We hope that Year 5 learnt that if they have any worries about anything happening online that they have a safe adult here at school they can talk to about it.