Eagle Class - Update

This term in Eagle class, we are focussing on World War 2 in topic lessons and through our English writing. Having already written about the war in the Far East last term, we are currently writing in role as evacuees, creating a letter home to loved ones about the delights of the countryside.

Our class reading book Once is a serious but very engaging story about a young Jewish boy in Poland during the war. It has been great to see how engaged everyone is and the level of maturity that the children are showing to this difficult subject. 

The hard work shown in maths lessons has been amazing and it will no doubt pay off at the end of the year. We are looking at the final few subject areas this term before going into revision mode for the SATS tests next term. The progress shown by the class as a whole has been fantastic!

This last week also contained World Book Day. The children had a great time on the day but also put themselves into the competitions with great gusto: some of the cakes looked superb and tasted even better!

Finally, here are some of our class dressed as characters from our previous book, Holes. Great to see Zero, Caveman and X-Ray didn’t spend the rest of their lives in the correctional facility!