School News

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  • 03/03/23

    Yr R and Yr 6 NHS Health Checks

      The following have been organised for the Year R and 6 children.      Date: Tuesday 16th May 2023     All children in Year R: Vision and NCMP (Height and weight)   All children in Year 6: NCMP (Height and Weight) and The Lanca...
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  • 03/03/23

    Reading Rivers

    Reading Rivers are a way of thinking about what we have read in a day, or a week. They provide an insight into what children read and enjoy.  
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  • 03/03/23

    Book Banter

    We have thoroughly enjoyed the week of learning around World Book Day. We gave ‘Book Banter’ a go - it involves covering the desks, or even the floor, with a blanket of books and allowing children to share, discuss and read to each other - and the children have really enjoyed it...
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  • 03/03/23

    Book Sharing Sessions

    It was lovely to see so many parents, grandparents and carers in school to support the book sharing sessions this week.  
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  • 03/03/23

    Bookmark Competition

    We have had so many wonderful bookmark entries this week - so we wanted to share them with you.  
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  • 03/03/23

    Extreme Reading Competition

    We have some amazing entries this year for Extreme Reading; they ranged from reading whilst pegged on a washing line, at the pool and even upside down at gymnastics. There are too many to share all of them - so here is a selection.   Thank you to all of you that entered! The entries this...
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  • 03/03/23

    World Book Day Dressing Up

    This year, there has been a tremendous amount of interest around World Book Day and Reading - so we would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to all of the children who have taken part by designing a bookmark, taking part in an extreme read, or dressing-up on World...
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  • 03/03/23

    Match Day Report

    Yesterday two of our school football teams played matches at home. Below are two match reports written by Year 6 pupils. 
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  • 03/03/23

    Year 3's Trip to Church for Lent

    For R.E day this term, Year 3 were lucky enough to visit a local church to learn all about Shrove Tuesday and Lent!  
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  • 03/03/23

    Fire! Fire!

    On Tuesday of this week, we were lucky enough to be visited by Firefighter Archie from Kent Fire Service.  
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  • 03/03/23

    Year 1, Term 3 Update

    Wow - what an incredible dinosaurus-tastic term!   Year 1 worked so hard and enjoyed some amazing stories from the poetic ‘Dinosaur Roar’ to writing letters to a T-Rex in ‘Dear Dinosaur.’    
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  • 28/02/23

    Year R Term Update

    EYFS started the term in the world of magic beans and giants - using the story of Jack and The Beanstalk.   
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