School News

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  • 04/01/23

    Term 3 and Term 4 Dates

    Please see attached the dates for Terms 3 and 4
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  • 04/01/23

    Term 3 Information

    Happy New Year to all of our school families; we hope you all enjoyed the festivities, and we are looking forward to hearing all about it when the children return to school tomorrow.  
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  • 20/12/22

    Westie the Wyvern

    Westie the Wyvern paid us a visit this afternoon to wish us all a Merry Christmas.  Here he is with some of Octopus Class and our office staff.
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  • 20/12/22

    Singing Club Performance

    Westlands Primary School's wonderful lunch time singing club enjoyed an opportunity to perform some musical classics from Oliver, Mary Poppins and the Greatest Showman to the residents at Barker Court Sittingbourne.   
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  • 19/12/22

    EYFS Nativity

    Well done to Squirrel and Hedgehog Class in reception year, what a fantastic Nativity performance they did.
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  • 12/12/22

    We Are Open!

    Good morning everyone   We are OPEN as usual this morning and look forward to seeing everybody shortly.   Please take care on your journey to school.
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  • 09/12/22

    Year 4, Term 2 Update

    Year 4 have been thoroughly enjoying learning about how the Anglo Saxons helped to shape modern Britain. We have looked at how Britain changed after the fall of the Roman empire and how things changed with the rise of the Anglo-Saxons. 
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  • 09/12/22

    Food Technology, Terms 3&4

    Please see the attached letter regarding food technology lessons during Terms 3 and 4.   
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  • 06/12/22

    Year 3 - International Tea Day

    On Thursday 15th December, Year 3 will be celebrating India's International Tea Day by trying a nice warm cup of masala chai
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  • 06/12/22

    PE Kit Donations

    We are in real need of some PE kit donations for our Pop-Up Uniform shop, particularly tracksuit tops and bottoms.   If anyone is able to donate any old kit they may have this would be greatly appreciated. 
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  • 02/12/22

    Year 5 Peer Mediators

    Year 5 have been training to be Peer Mediators these last few weeks.  
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  • 01/12/22

    Late Arrival at School

    When your child arrives late at school, he/she misses the teacher’s instructions and the induction to the lesson.  Your child may also feel embarrassed at having to enter the classroom late.
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