School News

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  • 25/10/22

    Admissions Consultation

    Please see the attached letter which contains information about an admissions consultation to include giving admission priority to the children of staff in our oversubscription criteria in certain circumstances with effect from September 2024.  
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  • 25/10/22

    Secondary School Applications

    Year 6 Parents and Carers   If you haven't already done so, please don't forget that applications for secondary school education must be made online at by no later than Monday 31st October 2022.
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  • 25/10/22

    Harvest - Thank you

    Westlands Primary School would like to thank everyone who was able to donate food this Harvest. We understand that times are hard and appreciate every item donated. All items have been delivered to The Swale Food Bank who were also very grateful.  
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  • 24/10/22

    Year 1 Update

    Year 1 have made a truly super start to their new school year.   Our theme ‘Superheroes’ has taken us through some incredible stories such as ‘Super Daisy’ and ‘Supertato.’  We’ve done everything from making superhero costumes to designing gadgets...
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  • 24/10/22

    Year R - People Who Help Us (Holiday Project)

    Next term Year R are learning about 'people who help us'.   Over the holidays, if you would like a challenge, we would love you to create your own emergency vehicle.
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  • 24/10/22

    EYFS - Term 1 Update

    At the end of Term 1, the children in Year R have been reading the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’ as our focus was on friendships. Rainbow Fish learns how he can make friends by sharing his special shiny scales. 
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  • 24/10/22

    Year 2, Term 1 Update

    Year 2 has really enjoyed learning about animals and their habitats in science. 
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  • 24/10/22

    Half-Term Flu Vaccination Clinics

    If your child missed their flu vaccination at school, you can book their vaccinations here:   click on the “Community Clinics” button.
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  • 12/10/22

    Flu Sniff

    The School Immunisation Team would like to invite parents/carers to book an appointment at one of their Community Clinics if your child recently missed their Childhood Flu Immunisation on their visit to school. Parents can book an appointment via our website on the link below: https://www.kentcht...
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  • 12/10/22

    Christmas Card Designs

    Please don't forget to return the form that was sent home on the back of the attached letter earlier this week so that we can share your information with Xmas 4 Schools.   They will send you a copy of your child's design in November so that you can choose whether to purchase any m...
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  • 07/10/22

    Returning After Sickness/Diarrhoea

    With immediate effect we are no longer asking parents/carers to keep children at home for a further 48 hours following their last bout of sickness or diarrhoea. Instead, children may return to school once these symptoms have stopped and they feel well enough to attend.
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  • 06/10/22

    Tag Rugby Festival

    On Wednesday 5th October 2022, Mr Holliday and Mr Kemp took ten Year 2 and 3 children to Sittingbourne Rugby Club to attend a tag rugby festival.    
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