School News

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  • 06/10/22

    New Year R Tours

    New Year R Tours
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  • 05/10/22

    Year 6, Term 1 Update

    Year 6 are learning about forces this term. In this lesson, we investigated friction - how do different surfaces affect the amount of force needed to pull an object? We used Newton Metres to measure the force needed to pull objects on different surfaces, thereby measuring how much friction was actin...
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  • 26/09/22

    Year 1, Term 1 Update

    The children in Year 1 have made a super start to their Superhero term. 
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  • 22/09/22

    Uniform Pop-Up Shop - 23rd September

    Due to Sports Day being held indoors tomorrow, the Uniform Pop-Up Shop will now only be open in the Dining Hall from 3:30pm-4pm.   All items just £1 each.   Payment is by card only
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  • 22/09/22

    Lunch - Friday 23rd September

    Please be reminded that if you did not pre-book a school lunch picnic bag for tomorrow (a Google Form was sent out asking for your child's choice of sandwich filling) then you will need to provide them with a packed lunch from home as no hot food or additional picnic bags will be avail...
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  • 21/09/22


    We have been monitoring the weather forecast this week and unfortunately there is a 93% probability of rain throughout the day on Friday.  We therefore need to adapt the plans for Sports Day and will be bringing the events indoors.   
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  • 21/09/22

    'Chip Day' is on Thursday

    Please don't forget, as Friday is Sports Day and pre-booked cold 'grab bags' will be available, Pabulum are having their weekly 'chip day' tomorrow (Thursday 22nd September) instead.
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  • 21/09/22

    Pupil Photos - Friday 30th September 2022

    On Friday 30th September 2021 we have a photographer from the School Photography Company coming in to school to take individual photographs of our pupils. Children with brothers and sisters in school will also have their photographs taken with their siblings.
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  • 20/09/22

    Year 5, Term 1 Update

    This term in Science, Year 5 have been looking at air resistance.  
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  • 20/09/22

    Year 3, Term 1 Update

    Year 3 has had an amazing start to the term!    
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  • 20/09/22

    Year 6 into 7 Open Evenings

    Year 6 Transition to Secondary School Education   Westlands Secondary School have their Open Evening on Wednesday 28th September, and open morning tours between Monday 3rd and Friday 7th October.  Please see their website for more information.
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  • 20/09/22

    Year 6 Residential - June 2023

    Year 6 Parents and Carers have been sent the attached letter regarding the Year 6 Residential in June 2023.
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