School News

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  • 14/06/24

    Weekly Attendance!

    Well done to Wombat and Penguin for having this weeks highest attendance! 
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  • 14/06/24

    Forest School

    We had a creative week at Forest School with clay, sticks and other bits and pieces that nature has given us. Penguin Class came out on Thursday and they were awesome and super safe. 
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  • 07/06/24

    Forest School

    Term 6 started with Giraffe Class and Elephant Class. They all showed Mrs Cresswell how safe they can be in the outdoors but having a great time too. Bug hunting was their favourite activity and they even found a slow-worm ! We also had our Year 6 Forest School assistants helping to keep e...
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  • 28/05/24

    Year 2 Workshop

    Year 2 had a great time at their parent workshop last week, we really enjoyed having our grown-ups come in to work with us. Our aim was to design a shield around everything that is important to us. We saw lots of different ideas and wonderful creations!!
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  • 21/05/24

    Forest School!

    We had such a great week last week in Forest School! Monday: Simona, Lucas and Bailey were digging for Obsidian rocks and they found a very large one (or was it a flintstone?). Tuesday: The rain came, we put on some waterproof trousers and Flamingos were ready to get muddy. Wednesday: Panda...
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  • 26/04/24

    Wingam Wilflife

    On Tuesday EYFS had a super day at Wingham Wildlife park! The adults were so impressed with the children’s behaviour and how super sensible they all were! We saw lots of different animals such as giraffes, orangutans, snakes, lizards, meerkats and many more. The rain held off so we even had ti...
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  • 26/04/24

    Forest School Update

      Flamingo Class had a go at splitting wood after sawing it first. In the diddinghole were more gemstones and chocolate cakes were baked too. Panda Class made a pull-me-slide out of an old tyre and Peacock Class had a very crafty afternoon, using clay, hammering leaves and making paint...
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  • 15/03/24

    Forest School Update

    We made Stickpeople this week at Forest School! First we made a clove hitch, then some very tricky square lashings and we finished with a reef knot. Year 5 added clayheads to theirs. 
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  • 08/03/24

    Forest School Update

      This week at Forest School, we had hammering Lions and bread cooking Zebras and Axolotls. Year 3 had a go at using hammers and nails, avoiding not to hit their fingers. Year 5 enjoyed sitting by the fire whilst turning their greenwood with dough. As always we finished the sessions with a h...
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  • 04/03/24

    Flamingo Class Update

    Flamingo Class - Term 4, Week 2 - Update Flamingo Class has had an amazing week of learning! In English, the children worked amazingly well to produce some fantastic shape poetry.  They learnt about the features that they needed to include; alliteration, similes, sophisticated vocabulary...
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  • 23/02/24

    Forest School Update

    Lion Class and Zebra class had two very contrasting days at Forest School this week. However both groups loved digging and building dens. Lion Class found stag beetle larvae and Zebra Class made a mudslide.
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  • 09/02/24

    Forest School Update

    Our last week at Forest School was so very exciting. We whittled greenwood with Mora knives, toasted marshmallows over the fire and devoured them as a S'more with our hot chocolate. We all had a little treasure hunt, where we found hearts for Valentine's Day and received some sweets. Zebra C...
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