School News

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  • 17/06/22

    Sept Year R - Parents' Info Evening

    We are holding an information evening for the parents/carers of our New Year R children from September at 6pm on Thursday 23rd June 2022.
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  • 14/06/22

    My Dad!

    Year R, 1 and 2 Parents - do not forget to check the KM Newspaper for the special Father's Day booklet that comes with it. This will be available in the shops from Wednesday, June 15.  It will be sure to bring a smile to all of your faces!
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  • 13/06/22

    EYFS Forest School

    EYFS Forest School   The children learnt how to use a ‘bow saw’ this week; they cut their own piece of wood (wood cookie) and then drilled a hole using a palm drill. They decorated the wood cookie and attached a string to make a necklace.  
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  • 10/06/22

    Tag Rugby Festival

    Mr Holliday and Mr Kemp took ten Year 5 children to Gore Court Rugby Club to participate in a Tag Rugby festival.   
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  • 06/06/22


    We would like to remind everyone that electric scooters are not to be ridden whilst on school grounds as they pose a threat to health and safety.  
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  • 06/06/22


    We hope you have all enjoyed a lovely half-term break with some Jubilee celebrations over the weekend.  
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  • 01/06/22

    Kent Test

    Year 5 - don't forget that the application window for sitting the Kent Test (11+) opens today, and closes again on 1st July.
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  • 01/06/22

    Real Play - Term 5

    Westlands Primary School celebrated another Real Play cohort last week.
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  • 30/05/22

    Year 1 - Butterflies

    Year 1 have been growing butterflies!   Well… we nurtured some caterpillars (they were very hungry), watched them build their cocoons and waited very patiently for them to emerge transformed in stunning Painted Lady butterflies.   
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  • 30/05/22

    Westlands Secondary Open Evening (Year 5)

    Westlands Secondary School would like to invite you to their Open Evening on Wednesday 28 September 2022.   
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  • 30/05/22

    Jubilee Celebrations

    We certainly did the Queen proud on Friday with our amazing Platinum Jubilee celebrations!  
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  • 17/05/22

    EYFS - Transport Topic

    EYFS have been learning about transport. We have been discussing and sorting Land, Air and Water transportation. 
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