School News

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  • 14/03/22

    Year 6, Term 4 Update

    Year 6 children have really enjoyed the variety of PE open to them through our Jasmine program.  We have looked at how creative we can be, how we can use our cognition in order to complete sporting tasks and we have had fun in the process!
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  • 11/03/22

    Red Nose Day - 18th March 2022

    On Friday 18 th March, we are going to be supporting the Comic Relief Red Nose Day Appeal and children can come to school wearing an item of red clothing to go with their usual school uniform.
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  • 08/03/22

    Competition Time!

    The Westhen House, where our chickens live, is having a revamp and we would like your help!   We are improving the area the chickens live in, making it more fox proof and expanding their free range area.   We are also going to add four more girls to the family.   To...
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  • 02/03/22

    Year 2 RE Day

    What a fun packed day Year 2 had for their RE Day!   They have been learning all about Lent and why we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. They designed their own delicious pancakes, but the best activity of the day has to be the pancake race between the three classes. It was a very close rac...
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  • 02/03/22

    2km Inter-Primary School Competition

    We have been invited by The Swale Combined Athletics Club to compete in a 2km inter-primary school competition run.
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  • 01/03/22

    World Book Day Costumes

    We're really looking forward to seeing everyone's dressing up costumes for World Book Day on Thursday.   Whilst children are welcome to wear masks associated with their costumes on their way to school, we ask that they are removed before they enter the school building and they wil...
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  • 28/02/22

    Puma Class PE - Date Change

    Due to this week's World Book Day activities, Puma Class will have PE on Friday this week instead and will return to normal next week
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  • 24/02/22

    Uniform Pop-Up Shop 25th March

    We are delighted to announce that our school uniform pop-up shop will open it's doors again on Wednesday 25th March 2022.
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  • 24/02/22

    Not in School? Give us a Call!

    If your child is absent from school, please remember to let us know the reason for their absence.
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  • 22/02/22

    World Book Day Menu

    Pabulum Catering are putting on a special World Book Day menu on Thursday 3rd March - please see the attached poster for more information.
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  • 22/02/22

    Pancake Day - 1st March

    Please see the attached poster from Pabulum who will be holding Pancake Day on Tuesday 1st March.
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  • 22/02/22

    Year 5 Forest School

    Cobra, Tiger & Owl class have been enjoying Forest School.
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