School News

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  • 11/02/22

    New Community Structure

    As you know, all of our pupils have now been allocated to one of four new communities:   Mountain River Coast Forest
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  • 09/02/22

    Menu Change - Thurs 10th Feb 22

    As tomorrow is the last day of term for the children Pabulum have changed the menu so the children do not miss out on their fish and chip day.. 
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  • 08/02/22

    Friday - Staff Development Day

    Don't forget ...... Friday is a Staff Development Day and school will be closed to children.    
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  • 07/02/22

    Year 3 Update

    Year 3 had an amazing week last week!   Within their P.E lessons, they had been exploring ways of travelling on, through and across the apparatus.  They discovered many new ways of travelling and have been very creative!  They developed their balance and coordination, and perf...
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  • 07/02/22

    No ECASC This Week

    Please be reminded that there are NO extra-curricular after-school clubs running this week.
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  • 07/02/22

    Year R - Fruit Salad

    Last week the children in reception had been reading the story of Oliver's fruit salad and exploring different textures and flavours.  We had been talking about healthy food choices during the week and creating our own shopping lists. 
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  • 04/02/22

    PE Kit Reminder

    Please can we remind parents and carers that children should be wearing PE kits that adhere to the schools uniform policy. Children are to wear their kits to school on their set PE day each week.   
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  • 31/01/22

    EYFS Update

    Oh no…what a mess. A mysterious surprise! When the children in reception arrived at school they discovered a mess in their outside area and that all their ‘Junk DNA’ tools had disappeared! (The children love this area to create their metal pictures).  
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  • 31/01/22

    Year 1 Update

    Year 1 have quite literally been all about the dinosaurs this term! We have learnt that the Earth is REALLY REALLY old and the dinosaurs lived on Earth millions of years ago. 
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  • 31/01/22

    Puma Class PE This Week

    Please note that Puma Class have their PE lesson tomorrow (Tuesday 1st February), and not on Thursday as usual this week.   Next week it will be back to Thursdays as usual.
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  • 27/01/22

    Year 2 Space Day!

    Year 2 are having a Space Day on Tuesday 8th February as part of this term's topic on space.  
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  • 27/01/22

    Chinese New Year Menu

      On Tuesday next week (1st February) Pabulum are putting on a special menu to celebrate Chinese New Year.    
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