School News

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  • 07/01/22

    Street Dance Club - Term 3

    Unfortunately we need to postpone Street Dance Club by one week, as the instructor is required to stay at home and self-isolate.
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  • 07/01/22


    Can we please remind you that scooters of any kind, electric or otherwise, are not permitted to be ridden on site by either parents or pupils.   
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  • 07/01/22

    Swimming Lessons

    Swimming lessons for years 2 and up will commence again next week (starting Monday 10th January).   Please ensure that your child brings in their full kit on the relevant day.
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  • 07/01/22


    Year 1   Please can we ask that you send your child into school with a pair of wellies to wear at lunch and play times. The children play out on the field at these times, which in the current conditions is very muddy.
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  • 06/01/22


    We are asking once again that you drive and park carefully and respectfully when dropping off/collecting children at school.  
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  • 06/01/22

    September 2022 Year R Admissions

    Do you have a child born between 1st September 2017 and 31st August 2018?  
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  • 04/01/22

    Panda Class PE

    Panda Class will now have their PE lessons on a Monday each week. Please ensure your child comes into school wearing the correct kit on this day. 
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  • 04/01/22

    Kent Police Community Surgeries

    A representative from Kent Police will be available at Westlands Primary School for 'community surgeries' whereby members of the local community can come and speak with them to ask any questions or raise any concerns that they may have.
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  • 04/01/22

    Year 5 Forest School

    On a Forest School day children may come to school in their forest school clothes. Please can you ensure that the clothes meet Forest School requirements. The children should wear trainers to school and bring their boots in a bag to change into.
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  • 04/01/22

    Food Tech Containers

    Please can we remind you to send your child in with containers for their food technology lessons. Unfortunately, due to the increasing cost of us providing plates/bags etc, we will no longer be able to send their food items home if they have not brought in a container from home. The container doesn...
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  • 03/01/22

    Welcome Back to Term 3

    We hope that all of our pupils and their families have enjoyed the Christmas break, and we are ready to welcome everyone back tomorrow morning (Tuesday 4th January 2022) between 8.30am and 8.45am
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  • 15/12/21

    Last Day of Term Today

    It's the last day of term for children today.  
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