School News

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  • 04/10/23

    Happy Birthday Mr Nourish!

    Don't forget - it's Mr Nourish's birthday tomorrow!     To celebrate, we have a special menu for lunch and we hope to see as many children as possible having a school meal.
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  • 29/09/23

    Forest School Update - Week 5

      This week we cooked camp-fire bread. We used long greenwood sticks over the fire to stay safe. Once cooked, we had the choice of plain butter or garlic butter for our bread before we ate it. Yummy!
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  • 28/09/23

    Year 5 Update

    Year 5 have enjoyed a fast-paced, fun-filled start to life in their new year group! We have already had great family excitement with our Fun Festival, where our adults came in and completed a Physical Education activity with us. This term has also seen us mummify some oranges, following a proc...
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  • 22/09/23

    Flamingo Class Update

    Flamingo Class has had an amazing week!   The children have enjoyed their Science lesson this week.  They continued to learn about Forces by exploring magnetism.  They investigated different materials and found out if they are magnetic.  We discussed and investigated if m...
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  • 22/09/23

    Peacock Class Update

    Wow, what a busy week we have had in Peacock Class!  The children started the week by continuing our learning about ‘Invasions’, our topic for the term. We made a huge timeline in class and discussed the events that happened in Britain after the Romans withdrew! Watch out, the Vi...
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  • 22/09/23

    Friends of Westlands Primary Association

    Please see the attached introduction flyer about our exciting new 'Friends of Westlands Primary Association' which we would love to develop and grow with your help.
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  • 20/09/23

    Year R 2024 Entrant Tours

    Do you have a child that is due to start school in September 2024? If so we are now holding new entrant tours which will give you the opportunity to view the school and meet some of our senior leadership team.  We look forward to welcoming you on one of our open mornings or afternoons. Pleas...
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  • 18/09/23

    Summer Art Project Winners!

    A huge well done goes to all those who joined in with the Summer Home Art Project! It was a joy to see all your creations, we are very lucky to have such creative pupils!
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  • 18/09/23

    Forest School

    Some of our children have been taking part in Forest School sessions this term which they have been really enjoying!   
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  • 18/09/23

    Harvest Festival

    Westlands Primary will be having a Harvest assembly on Monday 9th October. We would love to use this as an opportunity to support our local community with food donations to the Sittingbourne Food Bank. 
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  • 18/09/23

    School Ambassador Team

    Introducing our School Ambassador Team We are very proud to present our School Ambassador Team. We asked pupils who would like to apply to write a letter of application. These were then shortlisted and 6 candidates were invited in for a formal interview with Mrs Pettett, Head of School and Mrs Bu...
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  • 18/09/23

    School Council

    Meet our School Council We are very pleased to announce our new School Council representatives.  Pupils have been offered the role based not only on their applications, but on their ability to follow our school rules, core values and demonstrate excellent attendance.
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