School News

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  • 18/09/23

    School Council

    Meet our School Council We are very pleased to announce our new School Council representatives.  Pupils have been offered the role based not only on their applications, but on their ability to follow our school rules, core values and demonstrate excellent attendance.
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  • 18/09/23

    Community Captains

    Here at Westlands Primary, we have Community Captains in Year 6. These children are chosen to represent their community for various events throughout the school year.
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  • 18/09/23

    School Ambassador Team

    We are very proud to present our School Ambassador Team. We asked pupils who would like to apply to write a letter of application. These were then shortlisted and 6 candidates were invited in for a formal interview with Mrs Pettett, Head of School and Mrs Burr, Deputyhead. The children all perfor...
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  • 18/09/23

    EYFS Phonics Workshop

    EYFS will be holding a phonics workshop on Wednesday 4th October at 2:30-3pm. 
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  • 18/09/23

    Community Captains

    Here at Westlands Primary, we have Community Captains in Year 6. These children are chosen to represent their community for various events throughout the school year. Captains are selected as they demonstrate: Good attendance They uphold the school values They follow school...
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  • 18/09/23

    Meet our School Council

    Meet our School Council We are very pleased to announce our new School Council representatives.  Pupils have been offered the role based not only on their applications, but on their ability to follow our school rules, core values and demonstrate excellent attendance. This year’s...
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  • 15/09/23

    Term 1 Forest School

    Some of our children have been taking part in Forest School sessions this term which they have been really enjoying!  Forest School is about exploring and experiencing the natural world through practical activities. The children go out in all weathers (except thunderstorms and high winds), a...
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  • 15/09/23

    Summer Art Project Update

    A huge well done goes to all those who joined in with the Summer Home Art Project! It was a joy to see all your creations, we are very lucky to have such creative pupils! It certainly made judging for Miss Owens & Mrs Watson very hard. They had to choose 11 winning entries, one per year group fo...
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  • 14/09/23

    Giraffe Class Update

    Giraffe class have made a wonderful start to Year 2! We are settling in nicely and have written our own class rules and we are following them beautifully.
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  • 14/09/23

    Fox Class Update

    Fox Class made a great start to the new academic year! We are settling in very well learning all the new routines and rules.  We have created 3 special class rules, ‘Always share; be nice and help each other.’  We are very good at this already!
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  • 14/09/23

    2024-2025 Term Dates

    Please find attached our term dates for 2024-2025.   We will not be having a 2-week half-term break in October 2024.
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  • 07/07/23

    Year 5 - Term 6 Newsfeed

    Year 5 are very proud of their mechanisms that they have been busy creating in Design and Technology (DT) this week. We started with a concept map of three mechanisms: pull tab (levers), pop up (springs/sliders) and turning wheels (linkages/cogs). After that, we applied a theme of either: imaginatio...
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