School News

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  • 04/07/23

    Year 1 Shorne Woods Visit

    Year 1 had a wonderful day out in the woods last week! We travelled in our coach to Shorne Woods Country Park to explore the park and learn about nature! We followed the map around the park and found the fairy ring, we learnt about the big Yew tree and then created some wonderful forest crafts...
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  • 23/06/23

    Year 1 Term 6 Newsfeed

    As part of our termly theme, 'Our United Kingdom,' Year 1 have been learning about Wales. We've learnt about the flag, its mountains and some traditions AND we made delicious Welsh Cakes.  We learnt about the ingredients and equipment needed, and we wrote instructions to make the...
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  • 19/06/23

    Year 6 Residential June 2023

    Our Year 6 children arrived back from their residential trip last week after spending a brilliant three days with the Bushcraft Company at Penshurst Place. The children took part in a number of activities and Mr Holliday has now put together a presentation containing a number of pictures a...
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  • 13/06/23

    EYFS Super Stay and Play!

    EYFS Super Stay and Play! We were lucky enough to have our first sports stay and play last week and we loved it! The children and adults all got involved, and the sun even came out! We then enjoyed a refreshing ice pole. The children loved it so much they wanted to do another one the next...
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  • 08/06/23

    Year 3 - Welcome back to Term6

    Year 3 has had an excellent start to Term 6.   They began their week by being introduced to their new historical focus of The Romans.  Through their English lessons, the children have learnt all about Roman Gods and how closely they are linked to Greek Gods.  We were very impr...
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  • 26/05/23

    Real Play

    Westlands Primary School would like to celebrate another cohort of Real Play!  During the course of 6 weeks, our families have enjoyed engaging in the Real Play methods and have visited the Blue Planet, the circus and more..  This framework is brought to you via the Real P.E Framewor...
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  • 18/05/23

    Year 5 Victorian Day

    Our Year 5 children have been learning about Victorians this term and had great fun when we held a Victorian day for the children this week. The children looked great in their Victorian costumes and enjoyed taking part in the Victorian themed activities and learning. 
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  • 11/05/23

    Introducing our 'Outside Library'

    We have now set up an outside library/book sharing shed, situated outside our school office filled by books donated by parents and staff during our book week earlier on in the year. Thank you to all of you who have sent books into school!
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  • 28/04/23

    Year 1 Term 5 Update

    Year 1 are becoming so amazing at Maths this term! We are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s, and we are learning to make equal groups.  This helps us move on from counting everything in ONES which can take SO LONG!
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  • 28/04/23

    EYFS - Frog Spawn Update!

    We now have tadpoles! Squirrel and Hedgehog Class, did you tell your adults all those exciting facts we found out before the Easter Holidays? 
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  • 26/04/23

    #WakeUpWednesday - Wizz

    In an age where empathy and understanding are more valuable than ever, apps like Wizz – which connect users with potential new friends – can be incredibly welcome. Pairing people with others who share their interests, the app can unite mutual fans of the same music, find fellow foodies t...
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  • 25/04/23

    Work Share Wednesdays

    Please see the attached flyer introducing our new termly "Work Share Wednesdays"
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