School News

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  • 25/04/23

    Duck Eggs

    The children have been very excited to meet the new arrivals in Kingfisher this week.   The 5 eggs arrived on Monday morning and some have already started to make an appearance!   One has already hatched and 2 look like they are close! Once they are out and dry they will be mov...
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  • 25/04/23

    Safe Driving/Parking

    Once again we are receiving a large number of complaints from local residents and pedestrians regarding dangerous and inconsiderate parking and driving during the school drop-off and collection times.  
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  • 24/04/23

    Year 3 - Term 5 Update

    Year 3 has had an excellent start to Term 5.     They began their week learning all about the importance of The Easter Story with Christianity.  They then developed their knowledge and understanding about the Sikh religious building, The Gurdwara.    
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  • 24/04/23

    Easter Art Project Entries

    Wow! Wow! Wow!   Just look at all these home Easter Art Project entries! We are amazed, astonished, impressed and incredibly proud of all your hard work, care and time taken to complete each and every single Artwork.  
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  • 19/04/23


    If you’ve ever worried about children seeing content online that’s not appropriate for their age, becoming the victim of cyber-bullying or naively giving out personal information to strangers over the internet, then you’re not alone. Those are three of the most common concerns for...
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  • 19/04/23

    King's Coronation

    On Friday 5th May the school will be celebrating the coronation of the King.  
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  • 19/04/23

    Class Photos - Thursday 20th April 2023

    The children will be having their class photo taken this Thursday 20th April, all PE lessons will be cancelled for this day and the children should all come in full school uniform.
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  • 19/04/23

    Earth Day Menu - Thursday 20th April 23

    We would like to share Pabulum's special menu that they will be serving on Thursday 20th April to celebrate World Earth Day! We hope all children who have the school meal this day enjoy it. 
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  • 12/04/23

    #WakeUpWednesday - Fortnite

    As of January this year, Fortnite was registering as the second most-played video game by pre-teens in the US, ahead of Minecraft and closely behind Roblox. Consider also that one in five (22%) Fortnite fans devotes a minimum of 10 hours per week to the game, and that 77% of Fortnite players have ma...
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  • 05/04/23

    #WakeUpWednesday - Echo Chambers

    One can find forums or areas of social media which are vehement in their view that DC Comics’ output is superior to Marvel’s. Or where it’s vigorously asserted that Novak Djokovic is better at tennis than Roger Federer. The subject matter is largely irrel...
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  • 03/04/23

    Year 5 Visit from Kent Police

    Year 5 had a visit from Kent Police at the end of term;  they came in to talk to us about our conduct online.  
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  • 03/04/23

    Easter Art

    Please be reminded of our current Home Art Project that we are encouraging children to take part in. This is not compulsory but there will be certificates and prizes up for grabs! The theme for this Home Art Project is  . . . Easter!
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