School News

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  • 28/06/24

    Weekly Attendance

    Please see attached our weekly attendance poster!
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  • 28/06/24

    Forest School

    It was hot this week, however in the shade of our trees we managed to stay cool. Year 2 learned how to use a hacksaw and a palm drill and made elderwood bracelets. Elephant Class made extra rooms for the den, their working party showed real teamwork skills. It cooled down a bit on Thursday for Pengu...
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  • 26/06/24

    Wake up Wednesday

    Please see attached the Wake up Wednesday poster this week!
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  • 24/06/24

    Weekly Attendance

    Please see Weekly attendance poster! 
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  • 21/06/24

    Year 4

    Wow! What an amazing week we have had in Peacock Class! On Tuesday, we attended an Ancient Egyptian workshop, right here in school! We got dressed up as ancient Egyptians, complete with make-up! Then, we took turns to take part in 8 wonderful activities all of which were part of daily life in anc...
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  • 20/06/24

    Bushcraft - Group 2

    Group 2 of our residential children also had an amazing first day yesterday! Like Group 1, they spent their evenings making their own burgers and corn on the cob!  They then had the chance to play some games in the woods, build a den and also make s'mores! This morning we had some...
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  • 18/06/24

    Bushcraft - Group 1

    ​Everyone settled in so well yesterday once we arrived at Bushcraft and had an amazing first day! We spent the evening making our own burgers which the children helped to cook and we were taught some basic first aid skills After this we had the chance to play some games in the woods including...
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  • 18/06/24

    Forest School Stay and Play

    We had a lovely sunny stay and play at our Forest School today with the Year R parents. It was great seeing the children exploring the site with their mums and Dads. From the digging pit, to den building and swing on the swing it was brilliant to see the children discover all the different areas...
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  • 18/06/24

    Sports Day

    On Friday 7th June, Westlands Primary School celebrated the sporting achievements of the children and came together to participate in this year's Sports Day.     Blessed with the dry weather and the sunshine on the day, all children had a fantastic time and participated in a...
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  • 17/06/24

    Visit from Mr Singh

    Mr Singh, a local Sikh friend of Westlands Primary, visited our year 5 and 6 classes this week to explain to us all about the Sikh faith. He taught us what it means to be a Sikh in our community but also explained the 5Ks of Sikhism in more detail. These are kesh (unshorn hair and beard), kangha...
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  • 17/06/24

    Term 6 - Art Gallery

    What a pleasure it was to celebrate all the children’s amazing hard work and incredible sculptures in our pop-up art gallery last week! All the artworks were made in Term 5, where the art focus was sculpture. All children from EYFS to Year 6 created their own self-portrait using paper mache...
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  • 14/06/24

    Panther Class Update

    Now that Panther class have completed their SATs, excitement is mounting as they look forward to all the events taking place in this term.  We had two special assemblies this week – on Wednesday the local police came to visit us and spoke to the children about transition to secondary scho...
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