Entry Gates Closing Earlier

Please note that from Monday 12th September we will be closing the gates to our site slightly earlier in order to enhance the safeguarding of our pupils.


All gates will be closed by 8:50am at the start of the day, and again by 3:30pm at the end of the day following dismissal.


Entry and exit to/from the site after these times will only be possible via the main pedestrian gate on Homewood Avenue nearest the car park entrance.  Please use the intercom system to speak to the school office who will open the gate for you.


A reminder of the start and finish times for all year groups is as follows:


Years R, 3, 4 and 5, and Leopard Class - start at 8:40am and dismiss at 3:10pm

Years 1, 2 and 6 - start at at 8:45am and dismiss at 3:15pm