Friends of Westlands Primary Association
Please see the attached introduction flyer about our exciting new 'Friends of Westlands Primary Association' which we would love to develop and grow with your help.
If you can offer any time at all, even if it's only a limited amount of time, or if you know of any companies or services that may be able to support us, please let us know by completing the Google Form You can also use this form to share your ideas with us of what events you would like the Association to organise.
Claire George (Chair of Governors) and Teri Reynolds (Vice Chair of Governors) will be at the Thrive Hub (the mobile on the playground) from 8:20am on Thursday 28th September to answer any questions that you may have about the new Association, and to create a 'wish list' of ideas for the future so please do stop by and say hello.
We look forward to bringing you news of FWPA events soon!